Skull & Cakebones

Existing Company Logo

Existing Company Logo

Skull & Cakebones logo, designed by Yauss Berenji

Austin City Limit Flavors

Austin City Limit Flavors

Logos I designed for the limited edition flavors. The cupcakes were already named with cute puns based on artists performing at ACL.



The top two images show the front and back of the shirt. All of the different shirts feature the company tagline "Shh, they're vegan," on the back.

As requested by the client, I designed the shirts using a baseball raglan style. I searched for a shirt printing company that was inexpensive, tagless (by request of the client), and had enough of a variety of colors that the sleeves could match the spot color of the logo.

Individual Cupcake Cups

Individual Cupcake Cups

Skull & Cakebones is an environmentally responsible company, and this individual cup is made of corn plastic. These cups are intended for serving single cupcakes at Austin City Limits, and beyond.

Tricycle Mobile Refrigeration

Tricycle Mobile Refrigeration

Every successful Austin food business has a mobile operation. The owners didn't feel the need for a whole food truck, but decided to use a refrigerated tricycle to transport cupcakes to destinations such as festivals. I used the lightning bolt pattern that is sometimes used in the designs, and stuck with wood panelling, to meet the client's specifications.